The Myth of the Prosperity Generating Free Market Has Been Dispelled. It’s Time for a New New Deal.
A visionary concept that provides guidance and direction is required now.
Thomas Fricke
Thomas Fricke
Rutger Bregman
Nick Hanauer, David Rolf
David Graeber
Chris Dillow
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Chris Dillow
Michel Bauwens, Vasilis Kostakis
Michael Jacobs, Mariana Mazzucato
Vasilis Kostakis, Chris Giotitsas
Michael Lind
Lynn Parramore
Lynn Parramore
Dirk Bezemer, Michael Hudson
Mariana Mazzucato
Peter Barnes
Steve Roth
David Graeber
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Geoffrey Hodgson
Peter Barnes
George Monbiot
Rutger Bregman
Michael Hudson
Mariana Mazzucato
Linsey J McGoey
Andrew J Hoffman
Steve Keen
Bryan Callen, Hunter Maats